Monday, February 14, 2011

to everyone in love and not in love.
This year valentine's day eventhough i'm single but i do learn something new in life..
 anyway hope in this loving day everyone will be happy..
 all the best to those that started their love today! =) 
hugs and kisses :))

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Omg i just finish my PPM assingment 5.50AM.. swt la..
now still left my IM wan all those P's hahahahah XD
i just can't wait to finish all this stupid assingment and i'm free forever!!
Goodnites everybody..

Friday, February 11, 2011

i'm back ;))

LOL i just realise i haven't been blogging for 6 months+.. haha time flies.. 
and in this 6 months there is alot of happy and sad moment but one thing that keeps me happy is that i always have good good friends around me and that is something i really cherish! ;))
hahaha I you guys! hugss..

::hugs & kisses::