Its actually my pre-birthday!
ahhaha we went QE2 and its nice to meet up with eleen, susien, chai har and crystal hahaha
so basically i'm lucky to celebrate with my college friends and ex-schoolmates.
Eventhough alot of people regretted coming to my birthday but still we do have fun during that! =)
ahhaha alot of people drunk and stuff ler..

(boon's drunk face!)

After QE2 alissa actually gave me a surprise which she bake a cake for my birthday!!
veryy very sweet and nice..
anyway the cake tastes super duper good! =)
and i love the most is she remember i like FRESH CREAM!
we took the whole day to buy steamboat stuff and get everything prepared..
thanks to all the guys who help me prepare the steamboat thingy.. ahhaa
i din noe they actually did that till i saw the pics in boon's blog..
hahahaha make me kam tung niaa.
after steamboat we hang around play dare games till the next morning!
we went and chill at a few place and dim sum before andrew drop me back!
ahhahahahaha XD
thanks for the presents =)
love you guys!
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